The Market Platform “Thin Films Manufacturing” groups together a number of companies coordinated by TNO/Solliance and M2i. M2i is responsible for the basic research activities, while TNO coordinates and facilitates the application research activities. The latter are further subsidized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the context of its ‘Materials Transition Program’.
The main focus of the research, both basic and application-defined, lies in combining Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition with plasma enhancement for high quality thin films and new material propositions in thin films manufacturing.
The companies that have joined or are considering joining the platform are mainly manufacturers of advanced thin films deposition systems. Their interest is to develop new and existing thin-film deposition technologies by overcoming the lack of knowledge on fundamental mechanisms, as well as to demonstrate high-performance applications in a broad range of large professional markets (solar cells, batteries, fuel cells, etc.).
The platform is open to new partners. The involvement of new companies, not necessarily limited to the focus of the current activities, will further strengthen this platform. If your company is interested in joining, please contact us.