The INTERREG project ASPECT will host two different kind of trainings on tribology:
The first event is a practical training on “Friction in Sheet Metal Forming Process” on 16 October 2018 at the Technical University of Darmstadt. The ASPECT partners Filzek Tribotech, Triboform and ESI Software Group will share their knowledge and demonstrate state-of-the art approaches to determine friction in metal forming processes. In addition, influence and consideration of temperature induced friction changing in FE simulation and experimental forming operations will be demonstrated. The target group for this training are industrial professionals. For more information and registration click here.
The second event is a two day course on “Fundamentals of Tribology in Sheet Metal Forming” on 19 and 20 November 2018 at the University of Twente, organized by Nonlinear Solid Mechanics chair at University of Twente in collaboration with Falex Tribology, KU Leuven and M2i. The course consists of lectures, a lab tour and a workshop on advanced friction models for the simulation of cold stamping process . The target group of this course are researchers in industry, MSc and PhD students. For more information and registration click here.
Find more information about the ASPECT project and its partners here.