A new call for Materials Research has been opened by NWO where M2i partners can submit proposals: Materialen NL: Challenges. The call focuses on two important material science themes: ‘Designer Functional Metamaterials’ and ‘Next generation Engineering Materials’. The deadline for submission is April 16th 2019.
In order to apply, researchers are required to obtain a ‘declaration of suitability’ from the relevant topsector HTSM (HTM roadmap) or Energy.
Please approach your M2i-program manager to discuss your challenges and needs for research projects.
We will check if the project fits in one of the roadmaps, obtain the declaration of suitability, help you find the right partners and prepare a strong proposal. If granted, the projects will become part of the M2i program. Researchers and industry will profit from exchanging knowledge with other projects within the M2i program, thus maintaining and expanding a strong Dutch Materials Community.
Note that NWO may not launch a new call on Materials research in 2019 or 2020. This may thus be your last chance for a NWO-funded materials research project.
You can find the relevant details in the links below: