Released: the first Grade2XL movie
Watch the first Grade2XL movie and learn all about the project and its partners.
Watch the first Grade2XL movie and learn all about the project and its partners.
Last week, on 15 June 2021, the Final ASPECT Event took place as an online event. The ASPECT project ran for five years and was funded from the INTERREG North-West Europe programme.
The workshop will be held on Thursday 23 June (online)
In an earlier newsletter we already informed you about the ENLIGTHEN initiative which aims to find a way to produce reliable entire structures using this material, in a predictable, reproducible and cost-effective way. Dutch Research
M2i has released the report “Challenges for circular solar panels” which contains a comprehensive overview of (material) innovations needed for the reuse and recycling of solar products. The report was written with the support of
On the 12th of May the results of the assessment of the program design for the Perspectief round 2020-2021 were communicated. Of the 48 program designs 14 were selected for the full proposal stage. Three
The research project “Automated repair of rain erosion damage by micro-3D printing” got a positive advice for the full proposal stage of the KIC – Innovations for wind and solar energy call. This project, in
On 15 June 2021, the final event of the INTERREG project ASPECT will mark the end of the project. Watch the teaser and register for the event.
We are happy to invite you to a Practical Training in ‘temperature-induced friction influence in sheet metal forming processes’, which will take place on the 18th of June 2021 online from 10:00 till 15:30. This
Time to say goodbye – by Bert van Haastrecht – Director Programs M2i