
New M2i initiatives – call for participants

2025-02-24T14:04:31+01:00December 2nd, 2020|

M2i’s core mission is: To support both industry and society in finding solutions for materials-related questions in product development and production processes. We are currently preparing initiatives on a range of different materials-related subjects. Interested

PhD defense Camila Gomez: cum laude!

2025-02-24T14:56:12+01:00November 30th, 2020|

M2i is proud to announce that on November 25th, 2020, Camila Gomez defended her PhD thesis “Heat transfer and boiling phenomena during quenching by water jet impingement”. The project was a collaboration between M2i, NWO-I, TATA Steel, and TU Eindhoven.


2025-02-24T14:44:38+01:00October 2nd, 2020|

During the annual conference Meeting Materials, organized by M2i, the Grade2XL project will organize an open Additive Manufacturing Design Contest for young engineers as part of the Grade2XL project. We therefore challenge all young engineers


2025-02-24T14:44:59+01:00September 9th, 2020|

ENGAGE-in-AM is an M2i-initiative in collaboration with TU Delft and the University of Twente and is preselected for HTSM-fundig. This is one of the M2i initiatives that go to the 2nd round of the HitMaT