EU Projects
Different from the role M2i plays in national programs, in which we develop and acquire funding for research proposals for our customers (industrial partners), when seeking success in the EU arena M2i is an equal partner. In this role our main value is to accommodate the diverse academic and industrial interests in a framework that will prove successful among tough competition. M2i has a long track record of research activities in the materials arena, with insights in both the scientific content and industrial needs, which translates into high quality proposals.

Great effort is required to set up a successful European proposal, and therefore the strategy of M2i in coordinating EU projects is a high level of selectivity (strong scientific concept, best-in-class research partners) and a timely start to preparations, usually one year in advance of the Call closure.
If you are interested in discussing possibilities for cooperation in European consortia for Horizon 2020 (especially NMPB and FoF), INTERREG, RFCS or other instruments – please contact us.
Running EU projects:
News about EU projects:
16th Forming Technology Forum on 17 and 18 September 2025
We are happy to announce and invite you for the 16th Forming Technology Forum which will take place on 17 and 18 September 2025 in Enschede, the Netherlands. The theme of this year’s conference is
9th International conference on Solid-Solid Phase transformation in inorganic metals (PTM2025)
Registration is now open for the 9th International conference on Solid-Solid Phase transformation in inorganic materials (PTM2025), which will be held from 7 – 11 July 2025 in Delft, the Netherlands. More information and
Grade2XL researcher Valentina Pusateri successfully defended her PhD
On Thursday 30 January 2025, Grade2XL researcher Valentina Pusateri successfully defended her PhD at the Technical University of Denmark. Her research focused on comparison of LCA/LCC for the conventional metal
TRIATHLON 2nd Progress meeting in Istanbul
On the 21rd and 22th of January the TRIATHLON project team gathered for the M12 consortium meeting in the vibrant city of Istanbul, hosted by Sabancı University.
For more news visit our News page.
Closed EU projects: