NWO Chemical Sciences (NWO CW) has granted a M2i coordinated proposal for a new Chemical Industrial Partnership Program (CHIPP) entitled “Nanostructured self-assembled functional materials” (‘NanoFun’). The key objective of this proposal is to develop novel concepts – based on self-assembly – for nanoscale tailoring of structured materials. This will provide superior levels of performance and/or additional features compared to existing materials. Over the next five years, M2i and NWO will work together with six companies and five universities to execute this research program.
The project aims at developing self-organizing (nano-) materials with the ability to form larger structures, thereby yielding unique material properties for a variety of new and existing technologies. The outcome of this fundamental research program can have influence on technology we use in our daily lives: car tires with lower rolling resistance, saving a lot of fuel; new underwater paints reducing maintenance for boats; more powerful smart phones and highly efficient solar panels. By developing ‘self-assembled’ materials that spontaneously emerge from small building blocks, such applications are within reach.
About the program
In a Chemical Industrial Partnership Program (CHIPP) NWO CW links academic knowledge to industrial ambitions by executing pioneering chemistry research in collaboration with companies. Within this new CHIPP, M2i and CW will collaborate with DSM, ASM, Continental, Tata Steel, Surfix and Philips SCIL Nanoimprint Solutions. The participating universities are University of Groningen, Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University and University of Twente.
NWO CW and the companies involved are jointly contributing to the program budget of 2.25 million euros. The program will run from 2017 to 2022. Professor Katja Loos (University of Groningen) will be the scientific program leader. The project management will be carried out by M2i.
Further information
For further information please contact Dr. Harald Kerp, M2i Program Manager, e-mail: h.kerp@m2i.nl.