Translating the knowledge generated from Science into new or improved products and services is crucial to providing economic gains for industry and society at large. M2i has an impressive track record in turning scientific outputs into value for business.
Showcases – replicable successes
A portfolio of over 100 cases in which the scientific outputs generated substantial long-term economic benefits is available, and all of these cases are replicable successes. We have included a sample of these showcases to give you a taste of what our cooperation can bring about.
- All
- Additive Biotech
- Additive Manufacturing
- Advanced metals
- Applied Mechanical Behaviour
- Biodegradable composite
- Chemical technology
- Circularity
- Circularity/sustainability
- Civil
- Companies
- Consumer products
- Corrosion
- Electronics
- Ended EU project
- EU Project
- Hybrid and composite materials
- Maritime
- Materials production
- Packaging
- Professionals
- Simulation
- Supply chain management
- Talents
- Universities
Project in the Spotlight: Description and control of texture in mesoscale for highly formable sheet steel (MesoTex)Marcella Klouwens2022-04-21T10:54:01+02:00
Project in the Spotlight: From structure to properties for large scale additive manufacturing by wire depositionMarcella Klouwens2022-03-23T16:17:08+01:00
Project in the Spotlight: Dynamic behaviour of liquid-solid systems applied to the blast furnace hearthMarcella Klouwens2022-02-22T14:10:20+01:00
Project in the Spotlight: A multi-scale approach towards reusable steel-concrete composite floor systems (INTERMOD)Marcella Klouwens2022-10-14T09:54:26+02:00
Project in the Spotlight: Modelling austenite decomposition: bainite, acicular ferrite, heat of transformation and effect of deformationMarcella Klouwens2024-11-29T11:23:37+01:00
Failure prediction of adhesive hybrid-joint (composite-steel) under mechanical loadingM2i2020-11-26T14:07:36+01:00
Implementation of VMAP wrapper to transfer data between different FEA-CAE softwareM2i2020-11-26T14:08:50+01:00
Grade2XL – Functionally Graded Materials for Extra-Large PartsAnniek Enserink2024-04-08T12:45:12+02:00
3DMed – Development and streamlined integration of 3D printing technologies to enable advanced medical treatment and its widespread applicationAnniek Enserink2024-04-04T16:47:50+02:00
Smart*Light: Transboundary research for highly innovative X-ray solutionsAnniek Enserink2024-04-04T16:41:47+02:00
Enabling Qualification of Hybrid Structures for Lightweight and Safe Maritime Transport (QUALIFY)M2i2024-04-04T15:59:49+02:00
ASPECT – Advanced Simulation and Control of Tribology in Metal Forming Processes for Consumer Goods and Transport SectorsAnniek Enserink2024-04-04T15:08:07+02:00