M2i is proud to announce that on 21 April 2023, Tijmen Vermeij defended his PhD thesis “High-Resolution Identification of Plasticity and Damage in Multi-Phase Steels”. The project was a collaboration between M2i, NWO, TATA Steel, and TU Eindhoven. Tijmen obtained his PhD cum laude!
The automotive industry frequently uses steels containing multiple phases, in particular soft ferrite and hard martensite. These types of steel have complex microstructures, making it difficult to control the processes of plastic deformation and damage caused by pressure. Tijmen Vermeij, who is defending his dissertation today, researched exactly how and why these processes occur in multi-phase steels. To identify these mechanisms, he developed new measurement methods. His research can aid the development of stronger steels with better properties, thereby contributing to a reduction of CO₂ emissions. Read more
We would like to wish Tijmen success in his future carrier.