Project Description


  • Integration of diagnosis, design and manufacturing of 3DP medical devices in a software platform.
  • Personalized medical devices (prostheses, implants, orthoses)

M2i FEA simulation work:

  • Develop robust and easy to use FEA models of 3D printed model of implants and orthotics
  • Topology optimization of designs

Industrial Benefits:

  • Reduce the complexity of advanced numerical models
  • Improve current designs.

Project website:

For more information please visit the project website.

Contact Person

Anouar Krairi
Anouar KrairiResearch Engineer Computational Mechanics and Valorization
Franz Bormann
Franz BormannResearch Engineer


3DMed project final event

February 23rd, 2022|

On 29 March, the Interreg 2Seas project 3DMed will be concluded with its final event. Within the project the consortium has advanced the state-of-the-art of 3D printing technologies for medical

3DMed workshop at M2I conference

December 16th, 2019|

A 3DMed workshop was organized at the annual M2i Meeting Materials conference (Noordwijkerhout,  9-10 December 2019)