Key information: EU funding: € 1 Million Total budget: € 1.08 Million Duration: 12 months [March 2019 - February 2020] Background: M2i will ensure the management of the SUNRISE CSA, on behalf of the coordinator Leiden University, Prof. Huub de Groot. CSAs are Coordination and Support actions meant to streamline the efforts

3DMed – Development and streamlined integration of 3D printing technologies to enable advanced medical treatment and its widespread application
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T16:47:50+02:00Key information EU funding: € 4.10 Million Total budget: € 6.84 Million Duration: 44 months [October 2018 – May 2022] Background: The project 3DMed was approved on the 12th July 2018 by Monitoring Committee of INTERREG 2Seas programme. M2i has played a key role in this success, by steering the application on behalf of

VMAP – Virtual Material Modelling in Manufacturing
M2i2024-04-04T16:44:59+02:00Key Information: ITEA 3 Call 3 Total budget: € 15,884 k€ Duration: 48 months [Sep 2017 - Aug 2020] The challenge: The lack of software standards in virtual engineering workflows and incompatible interfaces for the transfer of virtual material information not only cause additional costs and complex manual adaptation but also lead to

Smart*Light: Transboundary research for highly innovative X-ray solutions
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T16:41:47+02:00The program Smart*light was funded by Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland. The research project Smart*Light develops a compact and portable X-ray source with variable wavelength, a ‘tabletop synchrotron’. A consortium of 12 organizations in The Netherlands and Flandres receives a subsidy of 2,85M Euros from the European Regional Development Fund (Interreg Flandres – The Netherlands). Smart*Light will

Enabling Qualification of Hybrid Structures for Lightweight and Safe Maritime Transport (QUALIFY)
M2i2024-04-04T15:59:49+02:00Key information: EU funding: € 2.266.689 Million Total budget: € 3.777.816 Million Duration: 52 months [August 2017 – December 2021] The challenge: At present, there are no certification guidelines to orient the naval industry when certifying new designs using hybrid assemblies (adhesively bonded, composite to metal connections), which limits their application

MANUNET III – ERA-NET on Manufacturing technologies
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T15:47:19+02:00MANUNET is a network funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. Since 2006, in the previous framework programme, MANUNET has been launching yearly calls for proposals to promote and fund transnational R&D projects in the field of manufacturing. MANUNET III (2016-2012) gathers together regional and national agencies that use their own funding programmes to

ERA-NET CO-FUND on Materials Research and Innovation
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T15:21:52+02:00M-ERA.NET is an EU funded network which has been established in 2012 to support and increase the coordination of European research and innovation programs and related funding in materials science and engineering. Between 2016 and 2021, the M-ERA.NET consortium will continue to contribute to the restructuring of the European Research Area (ERA) by operating

ASPECT – Advanced Simulation and Control of Tribology in Metal Forming Processes for Consumer Goods and Transport Sectors
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T15:08:07+02:00Key Information EU funding: € 2.35 Million Total budget: € 4.74 Million Duration: 63 months [May 2016 – August 2021] Background: The design of sheet metal forming processes is nowadays done virtually, i.e. by computer simulations. A limitation in these simulations is the assumption of a constant friction value over the

SYNAMERA – Combining R&D to structural funds for Materials Innovation
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T15:01:17+02:00Initial Position: EU Research funding offers little chance to large scale initiatives Possibilities of combined funding are little known about This Project: It is a “network” project funded by the European Commission to improve the coordination of the materials research funding programs all over Europe It delivers a stakeholders platform (or forum) and a map

BASEFORM – Bainite and second-phase engineering for improved formability
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T14:56:58+02:00Initial Position: Development of advanced high strength steels with good cold formability and edge-cracking behaviour for body-in-white application. RFCS Research Project: Understanding the formation mechanisms of morphology (size, shape, discribution) of second phase constituents (martensite, retained austenite, carbides) in bainitic matrix. Understanding the microstructure-mechanical properties relationship in banitic steels with secondary phases. Understanding the role