The project Smart*Light 2.0 aims to develop a ‘tabletop synchrotron’—a reliable and optimized instrument for specific X-ray analysis techniques, with a focus on fluorescence, diffraction, scattering, spectroscopy, and tomography. These techniques enable researchers to investigate the elemental composition, atomic structure, nanostructure, chemical composition, and 3D structure on a sub-millimeter scale—a critical aspect of material

Grade2XL – Functionally Graded Materials for Extra-Large Parts
Anniek Enserink2024-04-08T12:45:12+02:00Key information EU funding: € 7,91 Million Total budget: € 9,75 Million Duration: 48 months [March 2020 - Feb 2024] Background: Grade2XL is a joint development programme aligning partners along the value chain to foster the rapid development of WAAM materials and process. Grade2XL will deliver multi-material products of superior