Key information: EU funding: € 2.266.689 Million Total budget: € 3.777.816 Million Duration: 52 months [August 2017 – December 2021] The challenge: At present, there are no certification guidelines to orient the naval industry when certifying new designs using hybrid assemblies (adhesively bonded, composite to metal connections), which limits their application
MANUNET III – ERA-NET on Manufacturing technologies
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T15:47:19+02:00MANUNET is a network funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. Since 2006, in the previous framework programme, MANUNET has been launching yearly calls for proposals to promote and fund transnational R&D projects in the field of manufacturing. MANUNET III (2016-2012) gathers together regional and national agencies that use their own funding programmes to
ERA-NET CO-FUND on Materials Research and Innovation
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T15:21:52+02:00M-ERA.NET is an EU funded network which has been established in 2012 to support and increase the coordination of European research and innovation programs and related funding in materials science and engineering. Between 2016 and 2021, the M-ERA.NET consortium will continue to contribute to the restructuring of the European Research Area (ERA) by operating
ASPECT – Advanced Simulation and Control of Tribology in Metal Forming Processes for Consumer Goods and Transport Sectors
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T15:08:07+02:00Key Information EU funding: € 2.35 Million Total budget: € 4.74 Million Duration: 63 months [May 2016 – August 2021] Background: The design of sheet metal forming processes is nowadays done virtually, i.e. by computer simulations. A limitation in these simulations is the assumption of a constant friction value over the
SYNAMERA – Combining R&D to structural funds for Materials Innovation
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T15:01:17+02:00Initial Position: EU Research funding offers little chance to large scale initiatives Possibilities of combined funding are little known about This Project: It is a “network” project funded by the European Commission to improve the coordination of the materials research funding programs all over Europe It delivers a stakeholders platform (or forum) and a map
BASEFORM – Bainite and second-phase engineering for improved formability
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T14:56:58+02:00Initial Position: Development of advanced high strength steels with good cold formability and edge-cracking behaviour for body-in-white application. RFCS Research Project: Understanding the formation mechanisms of morphology (size, shape, discribution) of second phase constituents (martensite, retained austenite, carbides) in bainitic matrix. Understanding the microstructure-mechanical properties relationship in banitic steels with secondary phases. Understanding the role
ICMEG: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Expert Group
Anniek Enserink2024-04-04T14:52:43+02:00Initial Position: Computational models for materials allowing the prediction of respective materials properties did not keep pace with the rapid developments of the macroscopic FEM models. ICME as an emerging discipline will integrate computational materials science tools into a holistic system. ICMEg Project: Similar to the successful data standards developed and maintained by the “joint
ERA-MIN: ERA-NET on Non-energy Industrial Raw Materials
M4402024-04-04T14:53:35+02:00Initial position: Weak position of Europe to address materials scarcity (dependent from China) Lack of coordination of national RTD efforts: stategy; funding programmes Materials research = addressing materials scarcity ERA-MIN Project: 14 organisations funding RTD on materials in Europe joined efforts to overcome the current fragmentation of minerals research Joint Research roadmap & related Joint
Prediction of Stainless Steel Performance After Forming and Finishing
M4402024-04-04T14:54:18+02:00Initial Position: The industry was lacking undertsanding of how mechanical forming affects different finishing treatments The interaction between forming and finishing was not captured by available material models PressPerfect Project: Create a methodology to predict the performance of stainless steel after forming and finishing. Three different routes: 1) martensitic strainless steel & heat treatment; 2)