We are happy to invite you to a Practical Training in ‘temperature-induced friction influence in sheet metal forming processes’, which will take place on the 18th of June 2021 online from 10:00 till 15:30. This training is free of charge.
The training consists the following key topics:
- Friction & Temperature Influence in Sheet Metal Forming
- Friction Modelling for Sheet Metal Forming
- Finite Element Simulation in Sheet Metal Forming
The training includes four practical demonstration from industrial speakers. Participants will be presented with the latest information on the prediction and control of tribological influences in sheet metal forming:
- Practice Temperature Influence in Laboratory Friction Test
- Online demonstration of software for Friction Modelling
- FEM-Software PamStamp and Friction Consideration
- Temperature Influences in Forming Demonstrator
For more info regarding the program, please download the flyer or immediately register here.
We hope to meet you online!