We enable materials innovation!
A portfolio of over 100 cases where the scientific outputs generated substantial long-term economic benefits is available, all being replicable successes. To give you a flavour of what our cooperation can bring about, have a look at some of these showcases.
Project in the Spotlight: Description and control of texture in mesoscale for highly formable sheet steel (MesoTex)Marcella Klouwens2022-04-21T10:54:01+02:00
Project in the Spotlight: From structure to properties for large scale additive manufacturing by wire depositionMarcella Klouwens2022-03-23T16:17:08+01:00
Project in the Spotlight: Dynamic behaviour of liquid-solid systems applied to the blast furnace hearthMarcella Klouwens2022-02-22T14:10:20+01:00
Project in the Spotlight: A multi-scale approach towards reusable steel-concrete composite floor systems (INTERMOD)Marcella Klouwens2022-10-14T09:54:26+02:00
Project in the Spotlight: Modelling austenite decomposition: bainite, acicular ferrite, heat of transformation and effect of deformationMarcella Klouwens2024-11-29T11:23:37+01:00