The 5th International Conference on Hybrid Materials and Structures (20-22 July 2022) is accepting your contributions until 30 November 2021. You can submit a lecture or a poster.
The 5th International Conference on Hybrid Materials & Structures (Hybrid 2022) will take place in Leoben, Austria from 20 – 22 July 2022, and can also be attended online. The deadline for submitting your lecture or poster is 30 November 2021.
The Hybrid 2022 looks into a broad spectrum of topics from base materials to design and from manufacturing to applications. Multifaceted and demanding requirements of components yield more and more different material combinations. The structural combination of different materials leads to new challenges for joining and processing, design principles, and many more aspects.
The conference provides a mixture of presentations, discussions and exhibitions. Interdisciplinary exchange of industry and academia supports individual networking.
More information about the conference topics and submission requirements can be found here.